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Mini Police

The Mini Police project within Durham Constabulary is a means of engaging children within their communities, it helps to address policing priorities, increasing confidence and to reduce perceived barriers. It is seen as an attractive volunteering opportunity for children aged 9-11 years to contribute to policing and community safety, in a fun way, giving young people a voice. Our Mini Police volunteers do a fantastic job and absolutely love carrying out this role.


Mini Police

“Before I was a member of our school’s Mini Police, I had a bad view of the police, I thought they were terrifying and I was scared to be around them.

Now, I’m not scared of the police, they made me feel welcome and safe, I have a better relationship with them than I used to, they are just looking out for our community. I think my classmates will feel more protected than they usually do: they have people in their class that can help them in any situation, and they now know that policemen and women are nice people who do an important and valuable job.”- Ellen


Mini Police Water Safety Assembly

With the Summer holidays coming up, Year Five Mini Police did an assembly about the dangers of water and why it is important to keep yourself safe a the beach or near a river or any water source. All children listened to the advice carefully and took it on board.


Online Safety Assembly

Our Mini Police delivered a very informative assembly to the entire school on the subject of keeping yourself safe online. They have been carrying out a 6 week program with police cadets from Durham Police and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Mini Police visit Police Training Centre

Earlier this week, some of our Mini Police visited the police training centre at Meadowfield. The centre is where police officers learn the different skills they will possibly need whilst out protecting the public. Our Mini Police officers had a great time using some of the equipment that officers use.


Mini Police help with another royal visit!

Today two of of our Mini Police officers helped out at Durham Police HQ when the Duke of Kent came to open two buildings in County Durham. He arrived by helicopter and the Mini Police formed a ‘guard of honour’. Both children enjoyed it immensely.


Helicopter Visit to School

This week, mini police from other schools in the area came to our school. As a treat the police helicopter landed and we got to have a look around the aircraft. It was great fun! Along side the helicopter, Jet and Ben and an interceptor car turned up and again, we got to have a look around. Photos to follow.


Mini Police Keeping Us Safe Again

Our Mini Police have once again been outside school making sure that adults keep their cars off the footpaths and park in South Moor Park when dropping off or picking up their children. By gently reminding adults or by giving them a ‘Greenland parking ticket’ the Mini Police do keep everyone safe around school. They also carried out a speed check on South Moor Road, hopefully all traffic was sticking to the speed limit.


Royal Visit!

Some of our mini police got to be part of an honour guard when the Countess of Wessex visited Durham.


Visit to Durham Police HQ

This week children got to visit Police headquarters to learn more about being a police officer. The children got the opportunity to visit the control room where they listened in to calls and looked at cctv around the county. As a special treat they also got to visit the armoury and even got the chance to visit the special operation room where they were awaiting a royal visitor to the county.


Mini Police march on the Civic Hall!

Our Mini Police have been in action once again! This time they went to Stanley Police Station where they marched, along side four other schools in the area, to the Civic Hall where the Lord Lieutenant  of Durham along with the mayor and several councillors were in attendance. The reason for this was to be officially welcomed in to the project. The best part was meeting the police dogs, seeing the helicopter fly over, marching and getting the chance to sit in the squad car and sit on the police bike!


Speed Survey and Parking

Yesterday some of our Mini Police volunteers went out onto the streets of South Moor. They carried out a speed survey to check that everyone was sticking to the 30mph limit outside school. After this, they ‘ticketed’ cars that were parking on the main road and reminded them about using the park car park  in order to keep us all safe. They enjoyed the survey AND the ticketing!


Christmas Lunch

Our Mini Police helped out in the local community by visiting St Stephen’s parish centre and helped to serve the old folks Christmas lunch.


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