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SEND in our Curriculum

How we track pupil progress as a school

As a school national curriculum testing is used at the end of specific key stages and year groups within school. This data is then used to analyse how well different groups of children are doing compared to each other. This data also allows us to identify how well our children do compared to national results, allowing us to benchmark attainment within our school compared to similar schools. Key analysis and observations and judgements are then linked to whole school development planning.


At the end of Year 1 all children undertake a statutory phonics screening test. This test is designed to identify which children have attained a level in terms of phonic knowledge which is deemed to be appropriate for a typical Year 1 child when compared nationally. Those children who have not attained the required level in Year 1 have a further opportunity to take the test in Year 2.


Termly reviews also allow us a valuable opportunity to share and disseminate significant information from parents, carers and professionals from other agencies. Everyone has a collective responsibility to share information to ensure that we best meet the needs of each child, even if that information is of a sensitive nature. Information of a sensitive nature will be treated confidentially.


It may be that when your child joins us they have already attended previous education settings. It is vital that records about your child are shared with us if we are to continue to meet their needs and ensure that maximum progress is made.

As a regular and continuous part of the teaching and learning process, all staff assess the progress and attainment of all pupils. As a school we have pupil tracking systems that allows us to map the progress of each child and to analyse the attainment and progress over time of individual and groups of children. Progress trackers are generally updated half-termly and dedicated staff time is given over to allow this to happen.


How we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with a special educational need or disability

All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level and a pace that is appropriate to their abilities. Our SEND philosophy places SEND children at the heart of personalised learning and our curriculum is tailored to meet individual pupils needs.

Where children are accessing external support from one or multiple agencies particularly those children who have a statement/individualised plan, they should receive a highly personalised programme fully incorporating and detailing all external advice. This will often mean they access one to one support or are withdrawn from class to access particular provisions from outside agencies. Particular tools and methods are recommended and school staff, with guidance, implement this advice and track the impact of this in reducing/removing barriers for the child. Sometimes this sort of provision is implemented through a multi-agency approach.


How we evaluate the effectiveness of provision for pupils with SEND

It is vital that as a school we continue to take a reflective approach in terms of identifying any specific provisions made and ensuring that wherever possible the impact is measured in concrete terms. It is possible to do this through:

  • Gathering views from pupils and parents

  • Measuring progress (both academic and social) made at key points/intervals

  • Regular monitoring by the Senior Leadership Team

  • Identifying specific development needs, such as training and resourcing.

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